Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Online Profile Management

The Online Profile functionality allows applicants to quickly and easily establish a secure online profile where they can safely create and manage applications in Virtual Capture. By creating an online profile, both current account holders and non-account holders are provided with the ability to not only create an application in Virtual Capture, but also view and update existing applications.

An online profile can be easily created from the Sign In panel as well as during the Guest application process.

ShowSign In Panel

The Sign In panel provides access to a previously created online profile and also enables the ability to easily create a new online profile by clicking the Create an online profile link. This panel appears in the Log In screen, but can also be accessed by clicking Sign In in the Navigation Bar.

When Create an online profile is clicked, a screen appears to provide applicants with the ability to customize the details of their online profile. 

Forgot Password?

If an applicant has previously created an online profile, but the password is unknown, users may click Forgot Password? to reset the password to his or her online profile. In order to reset the password to an online profile, the applicant must first provide his or her email address within the E-mail field on the Sign In screen. Once the email address has been entered, click Forgot Password?.

Upon clicking Forgot Password?, virtual capture attempts to match the email address that was provided with a record located within the database. If a matching email address is located in the database, a success message displays to the Virtual Capture user and a password recovery email is sent to the email address that was provided.

In order to protect users from a brute force attack, the same message displays to the user if the email address that was entered does not match a record within the database.

ShowGuest Application

Applicants that begin an application as a Guest are provided with the opportunity to create an online profile during the Guest application process.

Clicking  within a screen in a guest application populates a message to confirm that the applicant wants to exit the guest application and provides the opportunity to either create an online profile or return to the application.

The applicant can click Exit to close the message, and continue the session as a guest, or click:

When Exit is clicked, the applicant is navigated to the Product Selection page, or the Save and Exit location defined for the instance in the Logout tab of Virtual Capture Settings. He or she is then required to restart the application process. 

Creating an Online Profile

Upon clicking Create an online profile in the Sign In panel or after exiting the Guest Application process, the following window appears to allow applicants to customize their online profile. This window contains three sections of information that must be completed by each applicant in order to identify the profile during the login process and personalize the security information that is used to verify the applicant's identity.

Applicants can easily access an existing online profile by clicking Sign In within the top of the window. Clicking this link navigates to the Login screen where applicants can enter their email address and password within the Sign In panel.

If the applicant clicked the Sign In link in the Navigation Bar and created an online profile prior to selecting a product, a  button appears in the bottom of the screen rather than .

To create an online profile, each applicant must complete the following information in the Create an Online Profile screen: 

Field Description
Basic Information
First Name

Enter his or her first name.

When creating an online profile during the Guest application process, this field is pre-populated with the first name entered within the Continue as Guest panel.
Last Name

Enter his or her last name.

When creating an online profile during the Guest application process, this field is pre-populated with the last name entered within the Continue as Guest panel.
E-Mail Address

Enter the email address to be used to identify the online profile.

The email address entered in this field must meet the following requirements to be considered valid:

ShowEmail Address Requirements

  • To identify the name of the recipient and/or mailbox receiving the email (before the @ symbol):
    • One or more uppercase and/or lowercase letters must be included followed by the @ symbol.
    • If desired, one or more numbers or a single occurrence of one of the following symbols may also be included before the @ symbol:
      • Period ( . )
      • Underscore ( _ )
      • Percent ( % )
      • Dash ( - )
  • To identify the domain where the email is to be sent (after the @ symbol):
    • One or more uppercase and/or lowercase letters must be included followed by a period (.).
    • After the period (.), two, three, or four occurrences of uppercase and/or lowercase must be included.
    • If desired, one or more numbers may also be included before or after the period (.).

For example, [email protected].

An error message is received upon saving the online profile if the value entered within the E-Mail Address field is already associated with an online profile. If this occurs, the applicant can click the Sign In link at the top of the window to complete the login process. For more information, please see the Online Profile section under Login Methods in the Virtual Capture Overview topic.

Enter the password to be used to access the online profile.

The password entered in this field must meet the requirements set by the system administrator in the Security tab of Administrative Settings (System Management > Administrative Settings) or a validation error is received upon saving the online profile. Please see the Administrative Settings topic in this guide for more information.
Confirm Password

Re-enter the above password to confirm the value.

An error message is received upon saving the online profile if the values entered within the Password and Confirm Password fields do not match.
Select an image and identification phrase

This section provides applicants with the ability to personalize the security image and welcome phrase that display within the User Authentication screen to confirm that the Virtual Capture site is secure and verify that the correct applicant is trying to access the online profile.

Once an online profile is created, the security image and welcome phrase cannot be changed by the applicant.


Identify the security image to appear within the User Authentication screen by selecting the radio button next to the desired image.

The images that appear within this section populate from the system-defined ONLINE_SECURITY_IMAGE lookup in the database and cannot be modified.
When hovering over these images, Virtual Capture indicates alternate text that is available to applicants using a screen reader. For example, when hovering over the snowy mountains, "Snowy Mountains" is indicated to applicants. 

Enter the welcome phrase to appear under the security image in the User Authentication screen.

This field accepts special characters and has a maximum limit of 50 characters.
Select five security questions with answers

This section provides applicants with the ability to select the Challenge questions that are presented when they access their online profile from a device that is not recognized.

The questions that appear in each drop-down populate from the ONLINE_SECURITY_QUESTIONS lookup list. The ONLINE_SECURITY_QUESTIONS lookup includes five standard questions by default, but the system administrator is able to add additional questions to this lookup list in System Management > Origination > Field Configurations. Please see the Field Configurations topic for more information.
Question 1 - 5

Select a question from each drop-down list. Each question must be different. An error message is received upon clicking  if the same question is selected more than once.

Answer 1 - 5 In each Answer field, enter a response to the corresponding question. The values within each Answer box are masked to ensure the security of the information entered. To unmask the answer, select the Show Answer check box that appears under each Answer box. Deselecting the check box once again masks the answer.

Once the above information is complete, clicking  creates the online profile for the applicant.

If the applicant clicked the Sign In link in the Navigation Bar and created an online profile prior to selecting a product, clicking  creates the online profile.

After the online profile is created, the screen presented to the applicant differs depending on how the applicant created the online profile. For example:

For information on the process that occurs after an application is created, please see the Virtual Application Process Overview section in the Virtual Capture Overview topic.

Managing an Online Profile

When logged on to an online profile, the User drop-down menu provides applicants with the ability to sign out of Virtual Capture, select List Applications to access the applications created under the online profile, or select Manage Profile to update their online profile settings.

The Manage Profile option only appears within the User drop-down when an applicant is logged on to an online profile in Virtual Capture.

Clicking Manage Profile opens the Manage Profile screen for applicants to update their email address, change their password, and/or update the security questions and responses for their profile.

Since the security image and welcome phrase cannot be updated once an online profile is created, the options do not appear within the Manage Profile screen. For a complete overview of each field in the Manage Profile screen, please see the Creating an Online Profile section in this topic.

Once all updates have been made, clicking  retains the updated settings for the online profile.

When an Email Address is updated within the Manage Profile screen, the applicant remains logged on under the previous email address after the updated value is saved. Once the applicant logs off, the new email address must be entered to access the online profile.



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